
Who is Amaterasu in Japanese mythology?

Mythopedia. Amaterasu (天照) is the Japanese sun goddess, daughter of creator deities Izanagi and Izanami, and central to the Shinto religion. It is from her the Japanese nobility claims descent and their divine right to rule.

Who is Amaterasu?

Amaterasu is the great and glorious goddess of the sun. An embodiment of the rising sun and Japan itself, she is the queen of the kami and ruler of the universe. The Japanese Imperial Family claims to have descended from her, and this is what gives them the divine right to rule Japan. She is the center of Shinto, and Japanese spiritual life.

What does Amaterasu represent in Japanese culture?

Keep reading to learn about Amaterasu and how a goddess came to represent ultimate power in Japanese culture! According to Japanese mythology, Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun. This is relatively unusual in itself, but more unique is the fact that Amaterasu is also the supreme ruler of Heaven.

